You can end the crisis for one child today

Learn how you and your church can serve vulnerable Oklahoma children and families
The epicenter of the family crisis is the child welfare system

You can make a difference

90% of all child welfare cases are due to neglect arising from poverty, substance abuse, or mental illness.

You can support family

The goal of foster care is reunification. Currently, around 50% of children will reunify with their parents.

Your involvement matters

50% of homeless, 60% of sex trafficked victims, and over 75% of prison inmates spent time in foster care.

Learn More: the evidence of the crisis

In foster care, children often wait. Hoping for support, they wait through their family’s time of crisis. If removed from unsafe situations, children often wait in offices or shelters because there are not enough foster homes. Children often wait to be reunited with siblings or family due to financial obstacles. They wait for stability and permanency when it is no fault of their own.

Learn More: our vision for the future

We believe in a future where there is more than enough support for all children and families before, during, and after foster care. We imagine a future where families are waiting to help children instead of children waiting on families. We believe that the 6200 churches in Oklahoma can ensure that there are more than enough foster homes and more than enough support for serving children and families. Together we can end the child welfare crisis.

111Project exists to mobilize the local church so every child has family. 1 Church 1 Family 1 Purpose can change everything.

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in His holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families… Psalm 68: 5,6

There are less than 6,000 children in the Oklahoma foster care system at any given time
See Your County Numbers

There are over 6200 churches in the state of Oklahoma.

If 1000 Oklahoma churches recruited and supported one foster family a year and served one child welfare family a month on CarePortal there would be more than enough support.

Learn More: CarePortal 111Project's Connection Platform

CarePortal is a connecting technology that drives action for children and families in crisis.  Learn More

Learn More: Community Gatherings where community meets action

Every month across the state of Oklahoma, 111Project gathers church leaders and community partners to collaborate around solving the child welfare crisis.  See upcoming events in your community here.

Learn More: Foster Care meets Biblical Hospitality

Biblical hospitality has always been an attribute of the people of God.  From Abraham to Jesus, the idea that the church would open homes to strangers is rooted in the gospel.  From the Good Samaritan to the Prodigal Son we see God opening His family to us.  Every day there are children who need safe and loving homes in the state of Oklahoma.  We would love to help you or your church take this next step to helping end the child welfare crisis in Oklahoma.

Pledge my Family

Pledge my Church

Your Impact in Oklahoma through CarePortal
Activated Counties
Children Served
Churches Activated
  • Counties with churches serving local children and families via CarePortal
  • Counties launching soon on CarePortal
  • Counties that need more churches to launch CarePortal

Just One Family

Watch what just one family can do for a child in need.

Everyone can do something

It has been exciting to see God move through people just like you to make a lasting difference in the lives of our most at-risk children.

We are praying for more people of faith to answer the call to engage in the issue of foster care and offer love and support to the orphans in our communities. Whether you are considering becoming a foster parent, supporting a foster family with your time or other resources, mentoring a foster child, helping to restore a biological family, or volunteering to make a meal, you can make a lasting difference.

Share & Advocate

Share the vision of the 111Project on your favorite social network.
Facebook, Twitter, G+ and with your church family. Be an advocate for foster care. Recruit families!

Foster or Adopt

Consider opening your home to a child as a foster or adoptive parent. Are you in the state of Oklahoma?  Learn more by filling out our foster and adoptive interest form! – SIGN UP HERE

So Many Ways to Help

“We went into foster care, ready to change a life. We never imagined it would be our life that would change.”- Kalie Kerth, Custer County Community Coordinator
“CarePortal makes a difference in the lives of the families in our communities through not only meeting needs but by offering hope to those we serve. It is a true blessing to have people who are committed to generously supporting others with no expectation of return and who honor our DHS teams for the amazing work they do.”- Matt Baccus, Oklahoma Human Services Tulsa County District Director
“Let's be the church, and let's go directly to the people who need it.”- Michael Lovett, Life Community Church Pastor
“No state agency, non-profit, or well-meaning organization by itself can completely meet the needs of our most vulnerable citizens, that is our children. CarePortal is an example of what happens when there is a laser focused, mission orientated effort to better the lives of those we collectively serve. CarePortal has truly enriched the lives of those who have been helped by their gratitude and kindness.”- David Clifton, Oklahoma Human Services Region 5 Deputy Director
“Everybody has a part, not everybody can house or adopt or foster, but we all have a part in helping them. Whether it's praying for them whether it's in buying necessities or buying them a gift every once in a while, or supporting the families that are housing them.``- Anita Jones, Exciting Southeast Baptist Church Point Person
“CarePortal is great from both aspects, from identifying resources for individual family members to the whole relationship thing,. It's a good bridge to get churches and Sunday school classes or whatever – people who want to make a difference and care – and get them connected.”- Keith Pirtle, PARB Program Manager