Prayer Experience – Aging Out

Prayer Points:

Pray for the people involved: 

  • Pray for youth that are entering their teen years. That the adults in their life will help them grapple and prepare for the realities of aging out of the foster care system.

  • Pray for youth that are aging out, that they would take their new freedoms seriously and look for healthy choices and relationships. 

  • Pray for the OKDHS staff that are working with teens about to age out, helping them find transitional services. 

  • Pray for the foster families or residential programs that are assisting youth and trying to connect them to development opportunities that will allow them to live independently.

Pray for the places involved:

  • Pray for the organizations in Oklahoma that serve older youth and youth that have aged out of the Oklahoma foster care system.

  • Pray that the needs of youth can be addressed earlier so that no child has to age out of the Oklahoma foster care system without the support of a physical or spiritual family. 


Every youth is one loving adult away from thriving.

  • List the adults that were essential to you and your development.

  • Who did you call when challenges arose around relationships or problems?

  • No one can provide everything that another person needs, but list some of the skills or expertise that you have that you could share. Could these experiences be a gateway to a transformational relationship?

Get Involved:

  • Consider mentoring youth in the community through your church, school, or a great community partner like Stand in the Gap.

  • Look to meet a need when available for a youth aging out of the Oklahoma child welfare system. See current CarePortal Needs HERE.

  • Try to connect with one of the local youth services, shelters, or transitional living programs. Become a consistent adult in a youth’s life.

  • Visit with your local school system about ways that you can support homeless youth. As long as youth have safe living arrangements, even if it means that they are couch-surfing, youth will often stay out of the child welfare system. These youth need our support.

  • Watch Michail Weitzman’s Story: Michael has been a friend to 111Project as a guest speaker, advocate, and now is a developer for the CarePortal platform, using his gifts to help churches all across the country to be involved with transforming child welfare!

Sophia’s Story (Continued):

We are grateful that in Sophia’s story, she will not have to age out of the foster care system without the support of a loving foster family and the hope that Sophia can be reunified with her biological mom.

Consider bringing the 111Project Experience featuring Sophia’s Story to your church! Watch the Experience HERE.