In August, a request came through CarePortal telling of a foster family that had recently encountered a problem with bed bugs in their home. This foster family had taken in three children whom they loved and cared for well. Unfortunately, this foster placement led to an infestation of bed bugs... read more →
We are excited to share stories over the next few weeks about what the local church is doing with 111Project through the CarePortal. We hope you will be encouraged by the impact the Church is making. In March, a caseworker in Tulsa County shared that a single mother of three... read more →
The first week of October, a request went live on Care Portal that would break anyone's heart. MJ, is an 8 year old girl who has been sleeping in different foster homes at night and spending her days in the DHS office. Her case worker placed the request on Care... read more →
Often, we can feel if we can't do that one great, big thing then we can’t do anything. The local crisis known as foster care is not that way. Every hour spent loving a biological family is critical. Every week spent as a foster family is precious. Every donated item of clothing is... read more →
5 Years of Worthwhile Ministry! It was back in April of 2011 that the 111Project was formed. In those days our shelters were full and the Church was not aware, let alone had much engagement in the issues surrounding children in state care. How do we know we have made... read more →
Thank you for your continued support in helping us enlist 1 church, for 1 family, for 1 child. Christmas is always a great time to be grateful for what Jesus Christ has done for each of us and to look back and give Him thanks for all that He has... read more →
Giving Tuesday was a great success. Thanks so much for giving and being an inspiration and support. We are changing the landscape of Oklahoma Foster Care through the faith and service of the church!